Saturday, December 29, 2012

Prayer: Keeping in Touch with God.

 “I pray because I can’t help myself! I pray because I am helpless. The need just flows out of me waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God, it changes me.”

This is a line from the movie Shadowlands. In this movie, the well-known author, C.S. Lewis, played by Anthony Hopkins, was expressing his thoughts on prayer to a colleague. Have you ever felt this way? Has the need to pray been stirred up in you in such a way you wanted to do nothing else? In any life-long relationship communication is essential. Without communication there is no connection.

When saying the Rosary we are keeping in remembrance the One loved. In a way the Rosary is a walk through the liturgical year every week. This devotion also prepares us to receive the Eucharist at Mass (receiving Jesus!). By reflecting on the life of Jesus every day and receiving Him in Communion, we are abiding in Christ. So let us always treasure this devotion and allow Jesus to work in and through us.

May God bless you all in this new year.
Ave Maria!

Praised be Jesus Christ!

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