Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Special Advent Gift for my Parents

The Alcove at Sacred Heart Parish in Miles City
It is in the heart of most parents to give their children the opportunities that they never had. This is a noble intention. But I do not think this goes far enough. The pursuit of the American dream can become materialistic. When this becomes a reality, life and liberty is shipwrecked in the desire to want more. Few pursue storing up treasure in heaven. I am not a parent, so it has taken me years to see that the best opportunity parents can give their children is eternal life. I see this now in the life of my parents.

In 2004, my mother suffered a stroke. Since then my father has taken care of his wife, my mother, almost continually. Now he is the lone caregiver and attributes all that he does to Jesus and Mary. He has never given up his vocation. I see how their relationship has deepened in these past years. My father spends time each day praying before the Blessed Sacrament. As he puts it, “I give Jesus and Mary two hours, they give me twenty-two.” I rarely see him without his rosary. As the child so blessed to have the privilege of being their son, I catch a glimpse what this vocation is all about.

Mary: An Example for Us All
Today, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. The Immaculate Conception is a very special gift given to Mary, the mother of Jesus, by God.  It was not by anything that Mary did. God’s desire to be reconciled to His creation is at the heart of what He did for Mary. Jesus could come to us in no other way. Because of Mary we all can receive eternal life through her son.

Saint Mom and Saint Dad
When a child becomes a saint, the parents are honored. How much more should we storm the gates of the New Jerusalem on behalf of those who gave us life? Who raised us? And in their desire for us to “have it better than they did,” still pattern for us the love Christ has for His Church.

Thank your parents for giving you life! Thank Mary for giving us Jesus. Thank Jesus for giving us eternal life. Let us make every effort to keep this gift by living a life of holiness. Put all that is not of God away from us and live out our ultimate vocation, eternal life! 

Be not afraid. Stand strong in the faith. Don’t let anyone take this precious gift of God away from you.

Ave Maria!

Praised be Jesus Christ!

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