Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Note on Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours

Christian Prayer: Liturgy of the Hours
Have you every found it difficult to pray? I have had times in my life where prayer has been difficult. When unexpected events happen, any routine goes out the window. I have recently started back into a special devotion the Church has given us. Today I would like to make a  recommendation of the Liturgy of the Hours or what is also  called the Divine Office. What is the advantage of yet another "pre-planned prayer"? 

  • First of all, it is structured for community recitation. It can be recited in a prayer-response format that is orderly and reverent.
  • Second, it can recited individually at any time of day.
  • Third, we are praying Sacred Scripture. By doing this we do not fall into error. We internalize the readings throughout the day and the week.
  • Finally, we are saying the same thing the Pope, all the cardinals and bishops, priests and religious are praying throughout the day. This unites us in prayer and fulfills the Apostle Paul's instruction to "pray without ceasing."
The Liturgy of the Hours is a special devotion that has been carried on from the early days of the Church. Jesus gives us a wonderful example of constant prayer throughout the gospels. The apostles had the custom of going up to the Temple to pray at certain times of the day. 

The Liturgy of the Hours is centered on the Psalms, and include canticles from the Old and New Testaments and writings of the early church fathers.

In future posts I will be discussing the different parts of the Liturgy of the Hours. 

Happy Praying!

Ave Maria!

Praise be Jesus Christ!

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